Link to the club's Flickr pages

Friday, February 11, 2011

What if one of our club members won???

We have some great photographers in our club.  The recognition from national photo contests is a great way to move your career ahead.

Photo Life magazine has announced the call for entries to the 2011 edition of the Emerging Photographers competition. This annual contest gives Canadian photography students, apprentice photographers and those just beginning their careers a unique opportunity to share their vision and talent with the world.

More information:

Saturday, February 5, 2011

REMINDER: February Photo Walk

Just a reminder that our Feb 17 Photo Walk will be a presentation by Andy Clark, President of the News Photographers Association of Canada.
Andy will be showing his photographs, telling some stories and answering question about his photos, photojournalism  etc.
Andy has kindly offered to stay for the whole meeting.  In order to facilitate that our February Photo Challenge has moved to the club Flickr site.

Please post your photos for this month’s theme ( LOVE ) on the thread provided in our Flickr group.  If you are not sure how to do that, please email me ( ) and I can send instructions or walk you through it.
Feb. Photo Walk Particulars
Date:               Thursday February 17 from 7pm until 9pm
Location:         West Coast Railway Heritage Park (Education Room)
Admission:       $2 at the door towards room rental
Sponsor:          Squamish Valley Photography Club