Link to the club's Flickr pages

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

July 3, 2013 Photo Walk

The July Photo Walk will take place on Cleveland Ave in Squamish.  This is a chance to practice your urban photography.  It is also a great opportunity to hone your seeing skills—what Canadian photographer Freeman Paterson calls ‘the art of seeing’. 
At the Photo Walk we will try and look past the everyday and find some hidden gems.

Here are 52 more examples to inspire you.

Alternately, we can take pictures of cars and then go for coffee.

July 3  @  7pm
Meet at the corner of Cleveland & Winnipeg
(by the Rotary Club clock)



Sunday, March 24, 2013

SAC - Thanks for the grant!!

Many thanks to Squamish Arts Council and District of Squamish. It was announced our Photo Club had been awarded a SAC/DOS Enhancement Grant of $1,468.00 towards our Squamish Snapshot book project. You will be hearing lots about this project over the next few months but here are the basics –

The District of Squamish will be celebrating its 100th birthday in 2014.  In honor of that occasion The Squamish Valley Photo Association will be publishing a book that documents Squamish as it looks during this 100th year – a snapshot if you will.  We are going to collaborate with the historical community and ask them to place themselves as historians 100 years in future and tell us what they would like photographs of.

The idea is to document building, parks, how we live, where we eat and where we play.  A copy of the book, signed by all the contributing photographers will be donate to the District during the birthday celebrations.  We are looking for your ideas and input and if you have some time to work on the committee that is putting this project together send us an email

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Annual General Meeting - March 6

This is a reminder that our very first AGM as the Squamish Valley Photography Association will be held this coming Wednesday March 6 at the Squamish Arts Club Building on Cleveland Ave.

Because we are a brand new Association, we are required to register all of our new members and ensure that only registered members vote.  This is a very easy process – we will be taking registrations at the door between 7:00 and 7:30pm on the night of the AGM.  We will need your first and last name, your email address and your $10 annual registration fee.

The ten dollars will help us pay for Association filing fees, SAC Annual membership, club events, etc.  With 7 ‘Photo Walks’ a year, 5 ‘Photo Talks’, exhibition opportunities, guest speakers and special events like last year’s Project Sound we hope you agree it is a very good value.

Schedule of AGM:
o   7 pm – registration & sign in
o   7:30 pm – call to order, introduction of board
o   7:40 pm – President’s report
o   7:50 pm – Treasurer report
o   8:00 pm – Election – starting with President, then Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer and Director-at-large
o   Post-election – discussion about opportunities for committees and groups, other club news and upcoming events

We have volunteers for each of the elected positions so don’t worry that we will try and twist your arm when you come in the door.  However, if you are interested in standing for election you are most welcome to do so. 

We very much need your support as we embark on this next phase of our growth.  Please join us on Wednesday March 6.

Doug Hackett – President

PS If you are not able to attend the AGM – we will make separate arrangements to get your membership set up.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Our first AGM

The Squamish Valley Photography Club is officially registered as a Society now and will from now on be known as the Squamish Valley Photography Association. Why did we do this? We've been growing so much in the last 2 years and we wanted to provide our members with more transparency and structure. Our inaugural AGM will take place in March and we will be posting more infos soon. See you there and Happy shooting!
Squamish Valley Photography Association
Annual General Meeting
Wednesday, March 6. 2013
Squamish Arts Council Building
Cleveland Ave.
7 pm registration; 7:30pm AGM

Thursday, January 31, 2013

February Photo Walk/Talk

Just a reminder that the February meeting is just around the corner.
Wed. Feb. 6 @7pm at the Squamish Arts Council building on Cleveland Ave.

There are three thing on the agenda and all of them are going to be exciting.

1. Travel photography presentation by Jennifer Roberts.
If you are one of the people that stared in awe at Jennifer’s photographs of penguins in the foyer gallery or her icebergs in Pro’ject Sound then wait until you see Jennifer’s other photos.  Jennifer is going to talk about her experiences traveling with a camera so bring your questions.  Jennifer’s bio is attached below.

Jennifer Roberts is an adventurer and nature lover who travels the world in search of new experiences, fresh perspective, interesting people and beautiful views.  She has visited 70 countries on 7 continents, and tries to capture the beauty found in nature, and express her experience through photography. 

2. Bring out your best – bring up to five photographs (on a memory stick or SD card) that you would like other photographers to comment on. They can be submitted anonymously if you wish.

3. Slide show to music – here is another chance to put together a slide show using PhotoStory 3.  If you need some reminders about how PhotoStory 3 works look up our blog entry from last January ( ).  Again bring your presentation on a memory stick or SD card.

See you there