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Wednesday, December 28, 2011

January Photo Club Meeting

I hope everyone had a good Christmas and found photo equipment under their tree.

Our next meeting will be held on
Wed. January 4 2012 at 7pm. 
We will be meeting at the Squamish Arts Council building on Cleveland Ave. 


1.  Jim Hegan presents Sports Photography
I can’t think of a sporting event in Squamish / Whistler / Callaghan that Jim has not photographed - from Test of Metal through the Loggers Sports Show, ski jumping through wind sports.  Recently Jim was an accredited photographer at the Whistler Sliding Centre and had some unique experiences both preparing for a sport he had not photographed before and dealing with press photographers that were there to work.  Jim’s photos are always spectacular and he is a great resource for your questions on sport photography.

2. PhotoStory3 software
In preparation for our February meeting (details immediately below) I am going to be doing a short refresher on PhotoStory 3 software.  This is FREE software that you can download from Microsoft and it allows you to prepare slideshows of your photographs complete with music track, special effects and titles.  There are lots of slideshow tools available but if you have never used one then PhotoStory is a great place to start because it walks you through the process step by step.

At the February meeting we are inviting club members to prepare and show off their best slide show.  The slide show can be up to 5 minutes long and on any topic you choose.  We encourage you to include music but it is not a requirement.
On the February meeting night we will be viewing all of the slide shows that are submitted.

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